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Intangible possibilities with SMBs

Sometimes the sum of intangible and tangible benefits can make all the difference for the right candidate looking at your business for their next career move. Workplace benefits that small and medium sized businesses can consider to retain employees, as shared from the U.S. Department of Commerce:

1. Flexibility with work arrangements, to include hybrid and remote possibilities, plus wider scope of work opportunity. For instance, any continuous 8-hour period between 5AM to 7PM.

2. Family care benefits, for either children or elderly family members.

3. Home buying and/or relocation assistance. This can include a stipend to connection with a third party service that organizes moves and housing recommendations.

4. Mental wellness. This can include access to well-vetted mental health products, for instance.

5. Pet insurance.

6. Digital safety. In an era, where fraud and other related attacks are increasing, access to a personal data protection service can help employees feel at ease.

7. Educational benefits. This can include access to work-place related training courses, lunch and learns, or even tuition assistance for coursework that is professionally related to the job and company. Get curious. Ask candidates who interview with your firm what they've found surprisingly valuable while working with smaller businesses.


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