We're the ultimate niche recruiting service for small business
Our commitment to customers:
"We will work closely with you to ensure that every detail for your job description is understood and developed for optimal sourcing, taking feedback as necessary to ensure we're consistently on the right track." - James Chen, CEO
Our size & scope of service:
Client size: 15 to 800 employees
Regions served: U.S.: Mid Atlantic, New England, Pacific Northwest, Southern California, Texas
Professions covered: Software and Hardware engineering; Cloud professions and Infosec/Cybersecurity; Defense Intelligence professions and Tactical Instruction; STEM business support and Leadership, Full-stack Dev, Data Analytics and IoT.
Sectors covered: Telecom, Engineering R&D, Commercial Software/SaaS, IT & Enterprise Managed services, FinTech, Cleared Defense Contracting & Geopolitical Analysis.
Longest tenured placement: 5+ years.
Greatest customer impacts: Added 35% increase in personnel for a 20+ personnel small business; Director-level placement at a medium-sized company; senior individual contributors on key projects.